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Gandhi Memorial International School
Gandhi Memorial International School Bali is a vibrant learning environment that promotes lifelong learning and responsible citizenship by offering students a rigorous, multidisciplinary curriculum that is transferable worldwide. The environment offered by Gandhi Memorial International school fosters a view of diversity and individuality as strengths.
In addition to teaching adaptability and problem-solving techniques, which are essential components of the emerging globalism, Gandhi Memorial International School seeks to instill in each student a sense of self-assurance as well as positive character traits like strong moral principles, self-discipline, sportsmanship, and self-worth. High academic standards are prioritized. Despite the fact that English is the primary language of instruction, the curriculum also includes lessons in Bahasa Indonesia, Mandarin, and Spanish.
The Details
Jl. Tukad Yeh Penet No. 8A Renon, Denpasar - Bali 80235